'SLATED ENORM' is a collection crafted to draw inspiration from the inexorable course of future events. Envisioning the impending occurrences, including inevitable economic fluctuations, the ever-encroaching specter of climate change, and the unsettling ascent of the wealth gap, this collection transcends mere fashion to encapsulate the essence of an impending apocalypse.

'SLATED ENORM' unflinchingly confronts pressing issues, mirroring their stark realities through its garments. Drawing inspiration from the present-day landscape marked by crumbling infrastructures, economic hardship, mistreatment of laborers, and the relentless onslaught of natural calamities, the collection serves as a poignant reflection of these times.

All garments and accessories were assembled/printed by me

 'SLATED ENORM' is a collection crafted to draw inspiration from the inexorable course of future events. Envisioning the impending occurrences, including inevitable economic fluctuations, the ever-encroaching specter of climate change, and the unsettling ascent of the wealth gap, this collection transcends mere fashion to encapsulate the essence of an impending apocalypse.

'SLATED ENORM' unflinchingly confronts pressing issues, mirroring their stark realities through its garments. Drawing inspiration from the present-day landscape marked by crumbling infrastructures, economic hardship, mistreatment of laborers, and the relentless onslaught of natural calamities, the collection serves as a poignant reflection of these times.

All garments and accessories were assembled/printed by me



Continuance Fleece Jacket

Continuance Fleece Jacket

Division Long Sleeve

Division Long Sleeve

Fusion T-Shirt

Fusion T-Shirt



Fraction Bottoms

Fraction Bottoms

Division Bottoms

Division Bottoms

Waxed Canvas Bottoms

Waxed Canvas Bottoms



1.6180339887498948482045868343656381177203091798057628621354486227052604628189 Bag

1.6180339887498948482045868343656381177203091798 Bag

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